C Spire Sponsorship and C Spire Foundation Request Portal
Both C Spire and the C Spire Foundation are committed to making a difference in the area we serve and the lives of our customers. That's why we created the C Spire Tech Movement - to use our expertise in technology to transform the communities we serve.
This is the place to make requests for sponsorships, special events and grants. Simply register and login, then follow the steps to gather the information needed for consideration. We will evaluate and make decisions based on your proposal.
The C Spire Foundation considers support for 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations that primarily focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education that supports digital literacy, technology, professional skills and workforce development, with preference given to those based in our region.
The review period for a sponsorship and grant request vary.
- For sponsorships, submit your proposal at least 90 days prior to your event for the proposal to be considered. The review process is approximately two to three weeks.
- For grants, requests must be submitted 150 days prior to your event. The review period for a grant is up to four weeks.
Once a request is submitted, it will be sent to the appropriate C Spire or C Spire Foundation associate. After reviewing your request to determine if it is a strategic fit and budget is available, we will notify you of our decision.
Register your Submitter's Account by clicking on the "Submit an Application" or "Access my account" links underneath. Create your account through the first login part. Once logged in, click on "Submit an Application" at the top of the screen.
Thank you. For more information, visit our website or our Foundation's website.
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